群馬大学 研究・産学連携推進機構

Informations of non-governmental resaerch grants

About research grants


All grants for staffs and teachers of Gunma-university should be recceived and managed by the university.
Please read After 「getting the result」.
And please contact us about the result.

国立大学法人群馬大学寄附金事務取扱規程 ~抜粋~
第9条 奨学金助成財団等から教職員個人に交付された助成金のうち,実態として当該助成金の目的とする研究等が本学において実施されるものは,交付された教職員から本学に改めて寄附をさせ,寄附金として適正に処理しなければならない。
 2 前項に規定する教職員は,常勤・非常勤を問わず実態として本学において研究等を行う者とする。

If you receive the grant by yourself, it can be considered as a violation of low.
Please read 「After getting the result」

How to apply

The list of research grants is showed here(on campus only).When you apply for any grants, please send the copies to us .If you need to have your proposal chacked before the submission, please feel free to contact us.

【With internal preliminary selection】

The number of proposals that can be submitted by one university is limited.Check the selection process of your department.

Depertment How to apply for the internal preliminary selection
other than below Please send below materials to research surpport section (or international office) by the dead line.
1.A brief of grant name,research title,contact,purpose and process( one A4-size page with over 11 point letters)
2.A summary of your career, achievements, previous application record forthe same grant and your KAKENHI and contact research for past 3-years(approximately one A4-size page).
Institute for Molecular and Cellular regulation Please contact to Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation General Affaires section by the day before the deadline for internal selection.
Please submit the documents to Molecular and Cellular Regulation GeneralAffaires section by 4:00pm of the closing date for the internal selection.
Science and Technology Please contact Science and Technology system production study section by the closing date for the internal selection.
For the internal selection, please submit the below documents.
 ⇒The form of internal selection(Word)


【After the internal selection】
Please give us documents to apply the research grants.
We arrange the official seal of the university or the recommender.
We can also arrange sending documents to the foundation by mail.

【With 1st internal deadline(but without internal preliminary)】
You can apply without the internal selection, but you need an approval or a recomendation by the head of the department.
Please contact us first when you dicide to apply.
We arrange the official seal of the university or the recommender.
We can also arrange sending documents to the foundation by mail.

【Only with the final deadline】
You can apply anytime by yourself.
Please give us the copies of documents.

【Not shown on the list】
Please tell us and we will check the way to apply.

After getting the result

※Please tell us the result whether adopted or not.

All grant-in-aids should be managed by university definitely.
If you have questions about managing of grant-in aid, please ask Production Study Promotion Section.

※This page is about managing of grant-in-aid in Gunma-university.

Contact person

【About applying, adoption】

Depertment section E-mail
Other than below Research support section kk-kensui2@jimu.gunma-u.ac.jp
Institute for Molecular and Cellular regulation Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation General affaires section kk-msomu4@jimu.gunma-u.ac.jp
Science and Technology Science and Technology system production study section sangaku-k@jimu.gunma-u.ac.jp


【About receiving grants】


section E-mail
Aramaki Production Study Promotion section sangaku-a@jimu.gunma-u.ac.jp
Showa Medicine System Production Study selection sangaku-s@jimu.gunma-u.ac.jp
Kiryu Sience and Technology System Production Study selection sangaku-k@jimu.gunma-u.ac.jp